16 December 2004
Tauzin switches sides from drug industry overseer to lobbyist
WASHINGTON -- Retiring Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., who stepped down earlier this year as chairman of the House committee that regulates the pharmaceutical industry, will become the new president and CEO of the drug industry's top lobbying group.
Tauzin will begin work Jan. 3 heading the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a powerful trade group that marshaled an army of lobbyists last year to successfully support a bill overhauling Medicare and establishing the first prescription drug benefit for seniors. Tauzin was a co-sponsor, and President Bush signed the bill into law a year ago.
Tauzin, in an interview Wednesday following the group's announcement, acknowledged that the U.S. drug manufacturers have suffered a "black eye" in public perceptions because of high prices and profits, safety concerns focusing on the recall of big-selling drugs, and other issues. He said his first job is to deal with those problems.
"Not only do I agree with that, the industry agrees with that," he said. "I think the industry finally gets it. They've lost the connection with the American public, and they've got to rebuild the trust with the American public."
Tauzin, 61, was diagnosed with intestinal cancer in March. He attributes his recovery to cancer-fighting drugs and said the experience led him to accept the job with PhRMA, as the group is commonly known, over other offers.
"I was treated with a miracle drug, just like Lance Armstrong," he said. "The question is what I wanted to do with the new life God has given me. This is the mission I want to take on."
Tauzin came under criticism from congressional Democrats earlier this year when reports surfaced he was in talks with the drug industry about a job. He resigned as chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has authority over the drug industry, and did not run for re-election to the House. Tauzin said he never negotiated with PhRMA while he was chairman.
Democratic critics of the legislation condemned it during congressional debate as a give-away to the drugmakers because it prohibits the federal government from negotiating lower prices for medicines and continues a ban on importation of identical but lower-cost drugs from Canada and elsewhere. Tauzin warned importing drugs would expose Americans to the risk of tainted or bogus drugs.
Public Citizen, a non-profit consumer advocacy group, called Tauzin's hiring "yet another example of how public service is leading to private riches." Tauzin gets a pay package reportedly worth at least $2 million a year, making him one of the highest-paid lobbyists in Washington.
"It's a sad commentary on politics in Washington that a member of Congress who pushed through a major piece of legislation benefiting the drug industry gets the job leading that industry," said Public Citizen President Joan Claybrook.
Tauzin said his salary and other terms would not be disclosed: "No, it's a confidential agreement. It is comparable to other trade associations of this size. I can tell you I've gotten larger offers."
Tauzin received more than $218,000 in campaign contributions from pharmaceutical manufacturers over the past 15 years, said the Center for Responsive Politics, a campaign-finance watchdog group.
Based on its study of public disclosures, the group said Tauzin's total included $91,500 from drugmakers during his last re-election campaign in 2002. That was the first election in which he was chairman of the committee with jurisdiction over the drug industry.
Tauzin said the group would work to improve access and affordability of prescription drugs for low-income Americans. He said PhRMA remained opposed to importing drugs from Canada or other countries.
By William M. Welch
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