Canada offers prescription medications at a lower cost
The high cost of prescription medication here in the US has forced many to cross the border for lower cost drugs.
While many think of Mexico, Canada also offers medications at a lower cost.
There's a real savings for people who go with this option.
The drugs come on-line from major Canadian Discount Pharmacies.
They can be generic or brand name, and are much cheaper there than here in the US.
Reno resident Jim McGrew takes an acid reflux name brand medication on a daily basis. That can get expensive.
But with a friend’s advice, Jim has been able to save big bucks by getting his medication through a Canadian Pharmacy on line.
Jim McGrew : “This way I’m buying a hundred caps for $175.20 which comes out to $1.75 a cap so that saves me $2.18 or $780.00 a year.”
Before getting his Canadian prescription, Jim had to get a prescription from his doctor and then fill out a couple of forms, which included a health history. That form is sent off to a Canadian Pharmacy who then has a physician from that country check the form for accuracy and any potential health complications. If it all checks out, the prescription is filled (sometimes in three months’ supply) and mailed back to the patient.
The medications are cheaper in Canada because of that country's socialized medical system. There's a price control on drugs, and many Americans are taking advantage of such controls.
Nevada's Pharmacy Board President Larry Pinson is a working pharmacist himself. He says he knows the cost of prescriptions here in Nevada and the rest of the country is high, and doesn't blame a patient for looking for the best price. But he says getting your medication from another country means you, the patient, have to be more aware of your condition, your prescription, and any side effects or interactions that may occur.
Larry Pinson/Pharmacist: “There is always the issue of different physicians and medications coming in from all over the place. Someone needs to pull that all together. Hopefully that's where the pharmacist comes in. And if you are getting it out of state or out of the country that just isn't going to happen.”
Those with acute problems that need an immediate course of medication for ten days to two weeks, are probably not good candidates for the program. Narcotics are not offered through on line Canadian Pharmacies to Americans.
If you are interested in looking into the costs savings provided by the Canadian online pharmacies please clicks “Links” to your left and select “Health Links.” There you can select the websites for Cross Border Pharmacy, Canada Meds, and Canadian Meds USA.
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