Sanders Introduces Legislation To Protect Americans’ Access to Canadian Medicines

Bill Is A Response To GlaxoSmithKline’s Latest Actions

For Immediate Release, 2/18/2003

Washington, DC - Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) announced today that he has introduced a bill to prevent pharmaceutical companies from cutting off Canadian pharmacies who supply American patients. The legislation, called the Preserving Access to Safe, Affordable Canadian Medicines Act of 2003 (HR847), would subject drug companies with civil money penalties of up to $1 million if they tried to discriminate against U.S. consumers who are accessing cheaper prescription drugs from Canada. The bi-partisan legislation, which has 33 original co-sponsors, is in direct response to GlaxoSmithKline’s recent move to cut off Canadian pharmacies and wholesalers who sell its products to U.S. consumers.
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