Point Douglas Pharmacy
885 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R2W 3P2
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-542-3330
Toll Free Fax: 1-877-994-2121

Physician Questionnaire

Dear Physician,

     Your patient has requested to have his/her prescription filled by Point Douglas Pharmacy. In order to complete this request we will require you to print this form and fill out this online questionnaire (you may use the online version) providing information on his/her medical history. We will require this annually and if there have been any significant changes to your patients' health then we will require you to update your patients medical information when they have their next prescription filled. Your patient will be providing signed consent for you to do this by clicking "I Agree" on their online medical questionnaire and disclaimer or by signing the printed version. If you require a copy of the patient questionnaire please contact us:
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-542-3330 or email

     A Canadian licensed physician will review your submission/letter along with the patients' medical questionnaire that he/she will be submitting. All medical information will be treated in a confidential manner. Your cooperation may result in better patient compliance due to the lower cost of the medications. This may benefit your patients' overall health. Please also fax your prescription to the above number.

Physician Information

Physician Name


Practice Address


State and License Number


DEA Number

License Number ______________________________________

Physician Phone Number (area code)


Physician Fax Number (area code)


Physician Email Address


Referral Source


Patient Information

Patient Contact Information

Patient Additional Information
Your Full Name ___________________ S.S.N. (required for U.S. Customers) _____________________
Date ___________________ Age _____________________
Address ___________________ Height _____________________
City ___________________ Weight _____________________
Email ___________________ Sex 

M______ F_______

Phone (Home) ___________________ D.O.B

D ___ M ___  Y___

Phone (Work ___________________ Occupation (Optional) _____________________
State ___________________ Retired _____________________
Zip ___________________ Referral Source (Optional) _____________________

If you have previously filled out a questionnaire,
please indicate if there are any changes                          Y___      N___    First Questionnaire ____

Family History

1) Diabetes, Thyroid or other
    endocrine disorder
Y ___ N ___


2) Breast cancer Y ___ N ___
3) Hypertension (high blood pressure) Y ___ N ___
4) Cardiovascular (heart or artery
Y ___ N ___
5) Lipid (cholesterol) disorder Y ___ N ___
6) Prostate Cancer Y ___ N ___
7) Other forms of cancer Y ___ N ___
8) Migraine Headaches Y ___ N ___
9) Other illness not previously noted

Patient Medical History

1) Blood disorders

Y ___ N ___   14) Heart disease including
      atherosclerosis, angina, heart
      failure or history of heart
Y ___ N ___


2) Cancer Y ___ N ___   15) Renal or kidney disease Y ___ N ___
3) Immune disorders Y ___ N ___   16) Liver disease Y ___ N ___
4) Poor wound healing Y ___ N ___   17) Drug allergies Y ___ N ___
5) Edema or excessive fluid retention Y ___ N ___   18) Orthopedic or muscle
      disorder, including fracture,
      joint disorder or carpal tunnel 
Y ___ N ___
6) Neurological disorders                   Y ___ N ___   19) Emotional disorders   Y ___ N ___
7) Thyroid, diabetes or other endocrine
     disorder,including insulin resistance
Y ___ N ___   20) Surgery Y ___ N ___
8) Any know nutrition deficiency
    including minerals and
Y ___ N ___   21) Glaucoma  
9) Hyperlipidemia (high
Y ___ N ___   22) Chemical dependency Y ___ N ___
10) Upper respiratory disorders Y ___ N ___   23) Other illness not yet noted Y ___ N ___
11) Smoker Y ___ N ___   24) Medications used in the last
     12 months
Y ___ N ___
12) Lung disorder (i.e., asthma,
Y ___ N ___   25) Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or
      connective tissue diseases
Y ___ N ___
13) High blood pressure Y ___ N ___      

Miscellaneous Patient Information

1) How long has the patient been under your care? ____________________________
2) How frequent are your patient office visits? ____________________________
3) When was your patient last examined by you? ____________________________
4) Please list all allergies

5) All diagnoses
6) Relevant medical history
    including surgery and

7) Relevant lab tests.

  • For hypercholesterolemia include serum cholesterol results
  • For hypertension include recent BP readings
  • For diabetes include recent blood sugar results
  • For arrhythmias include a recent EKG result or photocopy
  • For hypo/hyperthyroidism include thyroid function
  • For asthma or lung disease include a recent
    spirometry reading and chest x-ray result if available

Physician  Signature ___________________________    Date   _________________


Please note, ALL individual pages printed from YOUR printer
must be signed and dated.

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