Point Douglas Pharmacy
881 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R2W 3P2
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-542-3330
Toll Free Fax: 1-877-994-2121


No prescription will be filled until a signed and dated copy of this document and a completed Patient Questionnaire has been received by Canadameds. These documents can be sent by fax toll free to 1-877-994-2121.


1. Represents and confirms to Canadameds, and Point Douglas Pharmacy, its affiliates, related companies, subsidiaries and parent company (hereinafter “Canadameds”) that the pharmaceutical(s) to be delivered to the undersigned were prescribed by a doctor licensed to practice medicine in the country, state, or other applicable jurisdiction in which the undersigned resides, that the prescription(s) for the pharmaceutical(s) were lawfully obtained from that physician and that the pharmaceutical(s) will be used only as directed and only by the person for whom the pharmaceutical was prescribed.

2. Acknowledges that Canadameds and Canadameds’ employees and agents have relied on the information and documentation provided by the undersigned (including the Patient Questionnaire) and the undersigned represents and confirms that the undersigned has, to the best of his/her knowledge, fully disclosed all pertinent requested information and documentation to Canadameds. The undersigned undertakes to notify Canadameds of any changes to his/her physical or medical condition by providing an updated Patient Questionnaire.

3. Understands that it is the undersigned’s responsibility to have regular physical examinations by the U.S. licensed physician whose care he/she is under, including all suggested testing by said physician to ensure the undersigned has no medical problems which would constitute a contradiction to him/her taking the medications being prescribed.

4. Authorizes and appoints Canadameds, as his/her agent and his/her attorney for the limited purposes of taking all steps and signing all documents on behalf of the undersigned necessary to obtain a prescription in Canada for the prescription sent by the undersigned to Canadameds, to the same extent as the undersigned could do if he/she were personally present taking those steps and signing those documents himself/herself, including, but not limited to, collecting personal health information regarding the undersigned directly from his/her prescribing physician or pharmacist and disclosing personal health information to Canadameds’ employees, agents and service providers, as required, for the limited purpose set out above.

5. Authorizes and appoints Canadameds as his/her agent and his/her attorney for the purpose of taking all steps and signing all documents on behalf of the undersigned necessary to package or repackage the pharmaceutical(s) and to deliver them to the undersigned, to the same extent as the undersigned could do if he/she were personally present taking those steps and signing those documents himself/herself.

6. Authorizes and appoints Canadameds, as his/her agent and as his/her attorney for the purpose of taking all steps and signing all documents on behalf of the undersigned necessary for shipping his/her prescribed pharmaceutical(s) to the undersigned as if the undersigned had shipped the prescribed pharmaceutical(s) to himself/herself to the undersigned’s address.

7. Understands and acknowledges that the pharmaceutical(s) will not be packaged in child protective packaging, unless requested by the undersigned on the Patient Questionnaire, and the undersigned releases and discharges Canadameds and Canadameds’ employees and agents, from any and all causes of action with respect to the late delivery, non-delivery or missed delivery of the pharmaceutical(s) sent to the undersigned.

8. Acknowledges and agrees that the undersigned initiated a consultation with Canadameds and that Canadameds is not located in the United States. The undersigned acknowledges that the pharmacists working for Canadameds and the physicians contracted by Canadameds on the undersigned’s behalf are located and licensed to practice medicine or pharmacy in Canada and that all treatment the undersigned is receiving from the said physician and pharmacist is being received in Canada.

9. Acknowledges and agrees that any and all agreements reached or contracts formed throughout the course of the relationship between the undersigned and Canadameds shall be deemed to be made in Manitoba, and accordingly shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Manitoba and the laws of Canada as applicable to such contracts and agreements.

10. Agrees that any dispute that arises between him/her and Canadameds, its affiliates, related companies, subsidiaries, parent company, officers, directors, employees or agents shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Manitoba and the laws of Canada applicable to contracts formed in Manitoba and the undersigned agrees that the Courts of the Province of Manitoba shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any such dispute. 

11. Understands that Canadameds shall be entitled to substitute a prescription drug with a generic drug, where available in accordance with the Manitoba Drug Standards and Therapeutic Formulary, unless the physician has indicated that there be “no substitution”.

12. Acknowledges and understands that once purchased and shipped, no pharmaceutical product may be returned or exchanged.


                         Signature                                                                         Witness’s Signature

   Print Name Here  (please print clearly)                                                  Print Name Here

           Date Signed & Witnessed                                       City or Town Where Signed & Witnessed


I will Fax you my prescription (s): ____________________________________
I would like canadameds to contact my doctor for a faxed copy of my prescription(s): ____________________________________
Physician's Name: ____________________________________





Telephone Number:


Fax Number: ____________________________________


You have refills remaining on your prescriptions at your local pharmacy, and would like us to transfer the refills to our pharmacy. ____________________________________
Name of Pharmacy: ____________________________________
Prescription Number: (Rx refill number) ____________________________________
Telephone Number: ____________________________________
Fax Number: ____________________________________



~~ Questionnaire ~~

Contact Information

Additional Information

Your Full Name 
(please print clearly)
___________________ Age _____________________
Date ___________________ Height _____________________
Address ___________________ Weight _____________________
City ___________________ Sex 

M______ F_______

Email ___________________ D.O.B

D ___ M ___  Y___

Phone (Home) ___________________ Occupation (Optional) _____________________
Phone (Work ___________________ Retired _____________________
State ___________________ Referral Source (Optional) _____________________
Zip ___________________    
Primary Physician Name


Address _______________________________________________
Phone ___________________

Regular Exercise  Y ___   N___

If yes, what type, frequency and duration. Please indicate in the box below.

If you have previously filled out a questionnaire,
please indicate if there are any changes                          Y___      N___    First Questionnaire _____


Please note: It is mandatory to have had a
physical examination in the last 12 months
to apply for a consultation.

Have you had one?  Yes ________ No _________

Please note: Will you accept a generic version of
the drug drug ordered to save more money?

Please select one:  Yes ________ No _________

Please Note: We do not usually ship medications
in Child-Proof Containers. If you require Child-Proof
Containers, please indicate by checking the box.   Ship in Child Proof Containers

Prescription Requested

Please tell us the medication(s) you are requesting  canadameds.com to fill, the dosage,  (tablet size) and frequency (how often).


Patient Family History

1) Diabetes, thyroid or other
    endocrine disorder
Y ___ N ___


2) Breast cancer Y ___ N ___
3) Hypertension (high blood pressure) Y ___ N ___
4) Cardiovascular (heart or artery
Y ___ N ___
5) Lipid (cholesterol) disorder Y ___ N ___
6) Prostate Cancer Y ___ N ___
7) Other forms of cancer Y ___ N ___
8) Migraine Headaches Y ___ N ___
9) Other illness not previously noted

Patient Medical History

1) Blood disorders

Y ___ N ___   14) Heart disease including
      atherosclerosis, angina, heart
      failure or history of heart
Y ___ N ___


2) Cancer Y ___ N ___   15) Renal or kidney disease Y ___ N ___
3) Immune disorders Y ___ N ___   16) Liver disease Y ___ N ___
4) Poor wound healing Y ___ N ___   17) Drug allergies Y ___ N ___
5) Edema or excessive fluid retention Y ___ N ___   18) Orthopedic or muscle
      disorder, including fracture,
      joint disorder or carpal tunnel 
Y ___ N ___
6) Neurological disorders                      Y ___ N ___   19) Emotional disorders   Y ___ N ___
7) Thyroid, diabetes or other
     endocrine disorder, including
     insulin resistance
Y ___ N ___   20) Surgery Y ___ N ___
8) Any know nutrition deficiency
    including minerals and
Y ___ N ___   21) Glaucoma Y ___ N ___
9) Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) Y ___ N ___   22) Chemical dependency Y ___ N ___
10 Upper respiratory disorders Y ___ N ___   23) Other illness not yet noted Y ___ N ___
11) Smoker Y ___ N ___   24) Medications used in the last
     12 months
Y ___ N ___
12) Lung disorder (i.e., asthma,    
Y ___ N ___   25) Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or
      connective tissue diseases
Y ___ N ___
13) High blood pressure Y ___ N ___      

If you answered yes to any of the above questions please elaborate in the box below (i.e, duration of illness, any treatment or surgery received, amount smoked and for how long.)  Please list all medications you are currently using, including the dosage and frequency.


Credit Card Information

Card Holder Name (on card)


Card Holder Address


Card Holder City


Card Holder State/Province


Card Holder Zip/Postal


Card Holder Country


Credit Card Type

American Express ___  MasterCard ___  Visa  ___

Credit Card Number


Credit Card Expiry Month   ________   Year   ________

Patient's Signature ___________________________    Date   _________________


Please note, ALL individual pages printed from YOUR printer
must be signed and dated, including the canadameds disclaimer.

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