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Pronounced: IN-suh-lin 
Available formulations: 
Insulin, Human: Humulin 
Insulin, Human Isophane Suspension: Humulin N 
Insulin, Human NPH: Novolin N 
Insulin, Human Regular: Novolin R, Humulin BR & R, Velosulin BR 
Insulin, Human Regular and Human NPH mixture: Humulin 70/30, Novolin 70/30 
Insulin, Human, Zinc Suspension: Humulin L & U, Novolin L 
Insulin, NPH: NPH Iletin I (also II, Beef; II, Pork), NPH Insulin 
Insulin, Zinc Crystals: NPH Iletin I 
Insulin, Regular: Iletin I Regular (also II, Beef; II, Pork), Regular Insulin 
Insulin, Zinc Suspension: Iletin I, Lente; Protamine, Zinc and Iletin; Iletin I, Semilente; Iletin I; Lente Insulin; Ultralente Insulin

Insulin is prescribed for diabetes mellitus when this condition does not improve with oral medications or by modifying your diet. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, a large gland that lies near the stomach. This hormone is necessary for the body's correct use of food, especially sugar. Insulin apparently works by helping sugar penetrate the cell wall, where it is then utilized by the cell. In people with diabetes, the body either does not make enough insulin, or the insulin that is produced cannot be used properly. 

There are actually two forms of diabetes: Type I insulin-dependent and Type II non-insulin-dependent. Type I usually requires insulin injection for life, while Type II diabetes can usually be treated by dietary changes and/or oral antidiabetic medications. Occasionally, Type II diabetics must take insulin injections on a temporary basis, especially during stressful periods or times of illness. 

The various insulin brands above differ in several ways: in the source (animal, human, or genetically engineered), in the time requirements for the insulin to take effect, and in the length of time the insulin remains working. 

Regular insulin is manufactured from beef and pork pancreas, begins working within 30 to 60 minutes, and lasts for 6 to 8 hours. Variations of insulin have been developed to satisfy the needs of individual patients. For example, zinc suspension insulin is an intermediate-acting insulin that starts working within 1 to 1-1/2 hours and lasts approximately 24 hours. Insulin combined with zinc and protamine is a longer-acting insulin that takes effect within 4 to 6 hours and lasts up to 36 hours. The time and course of action may vary considerably in different individuals or at different times in the same individual. The genetically engineered insulin lispro injection works faster and for a shorter length of time than human regular insulin and should be used along with a longer-acting insulin. It is available only by prescription. 

Animal-based insulin is a very safe product. However, some components may cause an allergic reaction (see "What side effects may occur?"). Therefore, genetically engineered human insulin has been developed to lessen the chance of an allergic reaction. It is structurally identical to the insulin produced by your body's pancreas. However, some human insulin may be produced in a semi-synthetic process that begins with animal-based ingredients, which may cause an allergic reaction. 

Your doctor will specify which insulin to use, how much, when, and how often to inject it. Your dosage may be affected by changes in food, activity, illness, medication, pregnancy, exercise, travel, or your work schedule. Proper control of your diabetes requires close and constant cooperation with your doctor. Failure to use your insulin as prescribed may result in serious and potentially fatal complications. 

Some insulins should be clear, and some have a cloudy precipitate. Find out what your insulin should look like and check it carefully before using. 

Genetically engineered insulin lispro injection should not be used by children under age 12. 

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