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Other Names: None Listed
Catagory: Anticoagulant |
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Drug InformationThis medicine is used as a blood thinner given in a hospital setting.
More Info:
For more information about this medicine, talk to your healthcare provider.
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Side EffectsMost common side effect with this medicine is: irritation at the injection site
Before starting this medication, notify your health care provider if you have: bleeding disorder or hemophilia, bowel disease or diverticulitis, infection of the heart valves, having intramuscular injections, high blood pressure, kidney disease, liver disease, recent surgery or trauma, stomach or intestinal ulcers, weak or unstable blood vessels, an unusual or allergic reaction to bivalirudin or other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives
Before taking this medicine talk to your health care provider if you are pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant or breast-feeding.
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Dosage InformationThis medicine is for injection under the skin or for fusion into a vein and given by a health care provider in a hosptial or clinic setting. Do not use alcohol with this medicine it may effect the it works.
Missed Dosage:
Follow dosing instructions. This medicine is used when needed and not taken on a regular basis.
This medicine is given in a hospital or clinic setting and will not be sent home with the patient.
Seek medical attention immediately. For non emergencies, contact your local or regional poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.
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